Registration application
For more information
See our list of Frequently asked questions about prescription medications.
Request for registration
In order to register a drug product under the List of Medications covered by the basic prescription drug insurance plan or the List of Medications — Institutions of the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec, manufacturers must put in a request.
To see a list of deadlines for requests for registration under the next updates, go to the List update schedule. The deadlines for the receipt of requests for registration for multisource medications are also indicated.
Putting together a file
You must refer to the checklist to find out the required documents according to the type of submission. For a detailed description of the required items, please consult “Guidance Document for Submitting a Request to INESSS”. The forms and template letters are also available.
Please make sure that you use the most recent versions of these documents, available here.