Tutorials (How to Fill in the Documents)
These tutorials have been developed to support your practice in the use of certain documents: (in french only)
- Tutoriel Anticoagulothérapie;
- Tutoriel Antidiabétique;
- Tutoriel Candidose buccale chez l'adulte;
- Tutoriel Désobstruction d'un dispositif d'accès veineux central (DAVC);
- Tutoriel Dépistage du cancer colorectal;
- Tutoriel EAMPOC;
- Tutoriel Élimination fécale;
- Tutoriel Hypertension artérielle;
- Tutoriel Hypolipémiants;
- Tutoriel Infections urinaires;
- Tutoriel Mucosite oropharyngée;
- Tutoriel Rétention urinaire aigüe;
- Tutoriel Sédation palliative continue;
- Tutoriel Traitement au fer intraveineux chez l'adulte;
- Tutoriels Trouble lié à l'usage de l'alcool:
- Tutoriel Trouble neurocognitif (initier bilan sanguin);
- Tutoriel Trouble neurocognitif (mémantine).
This tutorial was developed to provide additional information when creating a prescription. This document is best viewed in Firefox; alternatively, you may download it to your workstation.